About my work

I work as a Web developer at Ambient Digital, where I specialize in building frontend applications with Vue.js.

I have working experience with Vue as well as React, and also personal experience in the backend with Node.

Click anywhere to grow a forest

Recursion forest

I thought that the concept of recursion could be very nicely visualized as a tree.

This case study uses JavaScript to create DOM elements recursively and using some randomness to decide each time the number of children for the current element. CSS then takes care of simultaneously redefining the width of each element.

While at it, and seeing how a new random tree was created each time, I decided it would be nice to see more trees created at once with the help of a CSS grid.



Stack and queue visualizer

This is a graphical demonstration of two of the most commonly used data structure types: stack and queue.

I created both these data structures based on arrays.

Stacks add and remove items from the same end of the array, removing always the most recient item first (last in first out).

Queues add and remove items from opposite ends, removing the oldest item first (first in first out).


Timelapse crane

CSS animations are interesting. They make it possible to create sequences of movements without the need of JavaScript.

SVGs are interesting too, and together with CSS animatios they can be used to create a sort of maquette in which little pieces are moved in an orchestrated way. A little machine.

Layers of different gradients and images complete the picture, creating day and night.